tavola nostra

Celebrating Pizza at Tavola Nostra’s Pizzeria E Cucina

Pinsa Romana vs Traditional Pizza

Bringing Ancient Rome to San Diego When it comes to pizza, most of us think of the classic Italian pie with a thin, crispy crust, topped with tomato sauce and cheese. But there’s another Italian creation that’s been making waves in the culinary world. It’s called...

Tavola Nostra On FOX5 News

Tavola Nostra On FOX5 News

We are absolutely thrilled to announce that Tavola Nostra Pizzeria e Cucina has been rated in the top 50 most loved eateries in San Diego by Yelp, and was mentioned in a Fox 5 news article. Fox 5 news posted an article discussing Yelp’s top fifty highly rated eateries...

Contact Info

Tavola Nostra Pizzeria E Cucina
1040 University Ave. B101
San Diego, CA 92103



Monday: Closed
Tuesday & Wednesday: 4pm-9pm
Thursday: 12pm-9pm
Friday – Saturday: 12pm-10pm
Sunday: 12pm-9pm